Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткий ответ: 1) you go to school yesterday? - yes, 2) you go to school every day? - yes, you at school yesterday? - 4) you go to school next friday? - there many children in the park yesterday? -

wagnercop06s12 wagnercop06s12    2   30.05.2019 06:30    2

taskarin02 taskarin02  01.10.2020 14:57
Did you go to school yesterday? Yes I did.
Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do.
Were you at school yesterday? Yes, I was.
will you go to school next Friday? Yes, I will
Were there many children in the park yesterday? Yes, they were.
Egorkalyadov03 Egorkalyadov03  01.10.2020 14:57
1)Did I did do were were do do were they were
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