Задайте к предложениям общий вопрос и как можно больше специальных вопросов. 1. i shall be playing tennis the whole day tomorrow. 2. we visited his parents last monday. 3. students are listening to the news. 4. my friend goes for a walk in the evening. 5. he was doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday. 6. she will have dinner in the canteen

samirsamir21ozrrps samirsamir21ozrrps    2   21.08.2019 16:10    5

likarabigba likarabigba  05.10.2020 09:36

1. Will you be playing tennis the whole day tomorrow?
2. Did we visit his parents last Monday?
3. Are students listening to the news?
4. Does my friend go for a walk in the evening?
5. Was he doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday?
6. Will she have dinner in the canteen?

1. What will you be doing the whole day tomorrow? What game will you be playing the whole day tomorrow? Who will be playing tennis the whole day tomorrow?

2. What did we do last Monday? Who visited his parents last Monday? When did we visit his parents?

3. What are the students doing? Who is listening to the news? What are the students listening to?

4. Who goes for a walk in the evening? What does your friend do in the evening? Whae does your friend go for a walk?

5. Who was doing his homework from 6 to 8 yesterday? When was he doing his homework yesterday? What was he doing from 6 to 8 yesterday?

6. Who will have dinner in the canteen? What will she do in the canteen? Where will she have dinner?

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