Задать вопросы к тексту 6 вопросов.

agat2003 agat2003    2   19.01.2020 13:55    1

аленкатв3 аленкатв3  11.08.2020 22:53

1.how should you speak? (clearly)

2.what should be the conversation with a busy person? (brief)

3.if you call a friend and he doesn’t recognize your voice, what should you do? (announce yourself)

4. what you should not to ask, if you get the wrong number? ("what number is this?")

5.if a wrong number calls to you, what should you do and not to do? (don't lose your temper and simply say "sorry, wrong number")

6.what should you do, when you're making a call? (identify yourself)

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