Задать к предложениям альтернативный вопрос. 1. he must work hard today. 2. we are leaving for moscow next week. 3.we are reading the whole evening. 4. they don't go to work on sunday.

toktamuratovanilufar toktamuratovanilufar    3   08.06.2019 09:40    6

nyutadavdova200 nyutadavdova200  07.07.2020 16:09
1. He must work hard today.
Must he work hard today or tomorrow?
2. We are leaving for Moscow next week.
 Are we  leaving for Moscow or Samara next week?
3.We are reading the whole evening.
Are we  reading the whole evening or morning?
4. They don't go to work on sunday.
 Don't they go to work on sunday or saturday?
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