Задать 5 типов вопросов к данным предложениям: 1. his working day begins at ten o’clock 2. my colleagues are very busy this month 3. they have dinner-break at 2 pm.

nodirkamolov nodirkamolov    2   19.05.2019 03:40    1

ilqartural2005 ilqartural2005  12.06.2020 08:48

1. His working day begins at ten o’cloc.

Does his working day begin at ten o’clock?

Does his working day begin at ten or at nine  o’clock?

His working day begins at ten o’clock, doesn't it?

When does his working day begin?

What begins at ten o’clock?


2. My colleagues are very busy this month.

Are my colleagues very busy this month?

Are my colleagues very busy this month or this week?

My colleagues are very busy this month, aren't they?

When are my colleagues  very busy?

Who is very busy this month?


3. They have dinner-break at 2 p.m.

Do they have dinner-break at 2 p.m?

Do they have dinner-break at 2 or 1  p.m?

They have dinner-break at 2 p.m., don't they?

What do they have at 2 p.m.?

Who has  dinner-break at 2 p.m?








younightmare younightmare  12.06.2020 08:48

1 His working day begins at ten o'clock.

Does his working day begin at ten o'clock?

His working day begins at ten o'clock, doesn't it?

What begins at ten o'clock?

Whendoes his working day begin?

Does his working day begin at ten or at nine o'clock?

2 My colleagues are very busy this month.

Are my colleagues very busy this month?

Who is very busy this month?

My colleagues are very busy this month , aren't they?

When are my colleagues very busu?

When are my colleagues  very busy this month or this week?


 3 They have dinner break at two o'clock.

 Do they have dinner break at two o'clock?

Who has dinner break at two o'clock?

They have dinner break at two o'clock, don't they?

When do they have dinner break?

Have they dinner break at two or thre o'clock?


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