Задать 5 типов вопроса к этому предложению they eat eggs and bacon toasts for breakfast pudding or apple pie for dessert

trofimovigor07 trofimovigor07    3   08.09.2019 09:40    0

гпү гпү  07.10.2020 00:35
1. What do they eat for breakfast and dessert
2. When do they eat eggs and bacon roasts.
3. Do they eat eggs and bacon toasts for breakfast.
4. When do they eat pudding or Apple pie
5. Who does eat pudding or Apple Pie for dessert.
Радость10000 Радость10000  07.10.2020 00:35
1Do they eat eggs and bacon toasts for breakfast,pudding or apple pie for dessert?-общий вопрос
2What do they eat for breakfast?-специальный вопрос
3Do they eat eggs or bacon toasts for breakfast?-альтернативный вопрос
4Who eats eggs and bacon toasts for breakfast?-вопрос к подлежащему
5They eat eggs and bacon toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert,don't they?-разделительный вопрос
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