задать 10 вопросов к этому тексту (вопросы перевести ) the legend says: “…tanya was born in a famous roman family. her father was a secret christian and brought up his daughter a honest and noble girl. she believed in god. at the age of eighteen, tanya didn’t get married and fully devoted herself to church, looked after sick people and helped the needy. the christians were forced to worship the roman gods, threatened in cases of disobedience, with cruel torture and even death. nobody was saved, and tanya was captured. she was taken to the apollo’s temple to be sacrificed for him. all the time on the way to the temple tanya was praying with passion and suddenly a miracle happened. the temple was destroyed by an earthquake. the statue of apollo’s, the walls, everything was broken into pieces. tanya’s offenders didn’t pay attention to that sign and continued to torture her. god heard her prayers. eight executioners had believed in god and asked tanya to forgive them. they were tortured and put to death, and saint tanya was tortured again, but instead of blood from her wounds flowed milk, and in the air filled with a sweet smell. the offenders persuaded her to sacrifice to the goddess diana. when they came to the temple, she began to pray again. and suddenly there resounded a thunder-clap and the lightning incinerated the statue of the pagan deity, the offering and priests. and tanya’s wounds healed, and on the next day she was more beautiful than before.

vanyaburundukov vanyaburundukov    1   16.09.2019 21:00    3

ZhannaMeer ZhannaMeer  07.10.2020 20:37
1. Who was Tanya's father? (Кем был отец Тани?)
2. What did Tanya when she was eighteen years old? (Что сделала Таня, когда ей было девятнадцать?)
3. What Crhistians were forced to do? (Что христиан заставляли делать?)
4. Where was Tanya taken after she was captured? (Куда повезли Таню после того, как ее схватили?)
5. What did Tanya all the time on the way to temple? (Что делала Таня всю дорогу в храм?)
6. What happened when Tanya was praying? (Что случилось, когда Таня молилась?)
7. What Tanya's offenders did when the temple was destroyed? (Что сделали обидчики Тани после того, как храм был разрушен?)
8. What flowed from Tanya's wounds? (Что текло из ран Тани?)
9. What happened at Diana's temple when Tanya began to pray again? (Что случилось в храме Дианы, когда Таня начала снова молиться?)
10. What happened to Tanya after the events? (Что случилось с Таней после этих событий?)
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