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ABCD11111111 ABCD11111111    3   23.03.2020 20:36    1

Arisha224 Arisha224  11.09.2020 21:54



1. The hirricane has destroyed the town.

2. The group has just arrived

3. Jeremy has joined the rescue team.

4. The rangers from the group have hekped the injured.

5. Forest house has occurred in the area since last year.

6. Their house has collapsed because of the flood.

7. There has never been such a terrible natural.

8. Volunteers from all parts of the country have come here.

9. There haven't been running watersince the flood.

10. His family has surviced in the tsunami.


1. Where have he worked as a volunteer?

2. How tornado has stopped?

3. Why we have moved to the country since spring?

4. What has destroyed the town?

5. Where have come the villagers ?

6. What have cleared the volunteers?

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