Задание: Write a reply to Sally's email in Exercise . Use these notes to write your email.
1 say where you live
2 describe your town
3 describe your neighbours
4 describe your interests
say what you do at the weekends
Hi Sally,
Thanks for your email.​

Шенявка Шенявка    2   06.12.2020 23:57    1

Розетта99 Розетта99  05.01.2021 23:57


Hi Sally,

Thanks for your email.

I want to tell you something about me. I live in England in London. This is very perfect town. I hope, that in future we will walk in this beautiful town. My family have funny and kind neighbours. They very friendly and visit us with tasty Apple pie often. In this place I find good friends and new interests. I like draw different pictures and read books. I have some plans on this weekends. My family want to visit my grandparents. I hope, that you will be interesting read this letter.

With Love,

Your (своё имя)

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