Задание по английскому диалог это расставить надо

Задание по английскому диалог это расставить надо

VladimirVelocity VladimirVelocity    2   06.11.2020 10:11    1

syltan502 syltan502  06.12.2020 10:11

-Good morning!

-Good morning!

-Can I help you?

-Yes, I'd like some cheese, please.

-How much cheese?

-Half kilo, please

-Anything else?

-Yes. Have you got any tomatoes?

-No, sorry, we haven't got any tomatoes.

-Can I have a loaf of bread, please?

-Yes, is it all?

-Yes. How much is it, please?

-That'll be €20

-Here you are

-And your charge is €30

-Thanks, goodbye!

-Goodbye! Have a nice day!

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