Задание No 3: Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps, Form a Conditional affirmative sentences – type 0.
If you
(cut) your finger with a knife, it
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps Form a Conditional negative sentences – type 0.
(not/melt) if the temperature
(to be) below zero
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps Form a Conditional affirmative sentences - type l.
(rain), we
(cancel) the match
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps, Form a Conditional negative sentences – type l.
If you
(drink) much coffee you
(not/sleep) at night.​

megagda04 megagda04    1   28.02.2021 20:36    0

yakun3008 yakun3008  28.02.2021 20:40

1. If you CUT your finger with a knife, it HURTS.

2. Snow DOESN'T MELT if the temperature IS below zero

3. IF IT RAINS, we WILL CANCEL the match

4. If you DRINK much coffee, you WON'T SLEEP at night

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