Задание 4. Выполните тест. Предложения записывайте полностью. Впишите will/won’t
-………..we go to the café tonight?
- No, I ……. like the food there. I think a new café is better.
- Ok. We …… take a bus there. ………I phone Mike and tell to join us?
-I think he …….. be glad to join. …….. I tell him where to meet?
- Certainly. Tell him we …….. meet him outside the café.
- …….. 6 p.m. be the right time to meet?
- I think so.
1. My favourite Shakespeare’s play.
2. I’d like to see Globe theatre because...

Latimel Latimel    3   04.04.2020 10:49    0

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