Задание 4. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужной форме.

1. I (to go) to the institute tomorrow.

2. She (to get) a new job yesterday.

3. David is very lazy. He (not/to like) hard work.

4. We usually (to come) to the lessons in time.

5. I (not to want) to watch TV last night. I (to be) very tired.

6. You (to give) my book back next week?

7. She always (to work) on Saturdays.

8. You (to listen) to an interesting lecture two days ago?

Вквквквквк Вквквквквк    3   08.01.2022 11:46    0

Жыгаа Жыгаа  08.01.2022 11:50

1.I will go to the institute tomorrow.

2.She got a new job yesterday.

3.David is very lazy.He doesn't like hard work.

4.We usually come to the lesson in time.

5.I didn't want to watch TV last night.I was very tired.

6.Will you give my book back next week?

7.She always work's on Saturday.

8.Do you listened to an interesting literature two days ago?


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