Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание к нему. The international monetary system is a set of arrangements, rules, practices and
institutions under which payments are made and received for transactions carried
out across national boundaries. The international system is concerned not only with
the supply of international money but with the relationships among the hundred or
so currencies of individual countries and with the pattern of balance-of-payments
relationships and the manner in which they are adjusted and settled.
The international monetary system is afflicted with problems. The main reason
is that the nations that participate in it are politically independent but economically
and financiaily interdependent.
Найдите в тексте однокоренные слова к следующим словам:
a) the nation. b) to pay; c) practical; d) politic: e) money: 1) to depend; g) relation

ПростоБегун ПростоБегун    1   05.12.2020 17:28    1

Helokiti2343 Helokiti2343  04.01.2021 17:42

a) international

b) payments

c) practices

d) politically

e) monetary

f) interdependent

g) relationships

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