Задание №3 Сделайте предложения отрицательными:
a) I was surprised by the way he behaved, it was completely out of character.
b) I am sorry about the smell of paint in this room, I've just decorated it.
c) You are always so rude to your parents.
d) The people we interviewed for the job were intelligent.
e) That will be silly of you to go out in the cold without a coat.
Задание №4
Употребите существительное в нужной форме:
a) This collective farm has a great number of (sheep).
b) Pack the books in (dozen), please.
c) We have very little (information) on this subject.
d) It costs eighteen (pence).
e) Animals do not possess the power of (speech).
Задание №5
Употребите существительное и глагол в нужной форме:
a) (Coal, to be) produced in many districts of our country.
b) His (speech, to be) always interesting.
c) In this lake there (to be, fish) of many varieties.
d) There (to be) two brick (work) outside the town.
e) My (watch, to be) on the table.

leralerochka202 leralerochka202    1   14.11.2020 12:49    9

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