Задание № 3:

Put in the correct form of "make" or "do".

1) Who the washing in your family?

2) He nothing to help Susan.

3) You can't an omelet without breaking eggs.

4) My mother a dress for me.

5) He his job better than Jim.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of "make" or "do"

1) What are you doing now? I
a crossword.

2) She needs to
a choice.

3) I
my best on the exams yesterday.

4) My son
nothing yesterday during the evening. He is so lazy!

5) She always
a mess in her room!

leya0315 leya0315    3   26.05.2020 20:34    1

gtagiev gtagiev  15.10.2020 09:35
1. Does
2. Does
3. Make
4. Is making
5. Does
6. Doing
7. Make
8. Did
9. Did
10. Makes
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