Задание 3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос. The banking system in Russia is organized as a 2-tier system. The first tier is
represented by the Central Bank of Russia. The second tier consists of commercial
banks as well as branches and representations of foreign banks. The CBP has
contributed to controlling the money supply and combatting inflation. It acts in the
primary market, attracting financial resources. The CB of Russia guarantees
stability of the national currency and the banking system. It also supervises the
activity of commercial banks. Stability of the banking system is the most important
function of the CBR. The strategy for its developing is reforming the system to
play a more important role in our economy.​

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос. The banking system in Russia is organized as a 2-t

Alena201859 Alena201859    3   05.12.2020 17:48    3

jartan jartan  05.12.2020 17:50

ответ a) reforms the system


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