Задание 2. Заполните пропуски производными от some, any, no, every. 1) My husband teaches his son … he knows.
2) He doesn't ask … for help.
3) I don't see him …
4) There are flags, banners and posters …
5) John lives … near Chicago.
6) … broke the window. I don't know who.
7) Tell me … interesting.
8) I know … about this accident! Stop asking me!
9) There is … in this house. It is completely empty. 10) They want to do … to help me.

ирка137 ирка137    1   21.05.2021 14:49    0

alina06122 alina06122  20.06.2021 14:51

1). everything

2). anyone

3). anywhere

4). everywhere

5). somewhere

6). Somebody

7). something

8). nothing

9). nobody

10). anything

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