Задание 2. Заполни текст данными словами по смыслу.

café drank dinosaurs was time met walked letter went bought

Dear Paco,
Thank you for 1) … . It 2)… nice to hear from you again.
I 3)… to the museum last Sunday. I saw 4)… there and they were fantastic! I 5) … a picture with them as a souvenir. I 6) … Maya there. We talked and then we went to the 7)… . We ate pizza and 8) … lemonade. After that we 9) … in the park. We had a good 10) … .
Write me soon.
Best wishes,

Анндрейй Анндрейй    1   10.05.2020 15:47    1

nikodima2005 nikodima2005  28.08.2020 20:52
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