Задание 2. Выполните упражнения, используя законспектированный материал. Exercise 1. Преобразуйте слова данные в скобках в подходящую часть речи.
1) Are you dreaming of a beautiful home for your (retire)?
2) Your (attach) to me really bothers me.
3) I (sleep) this morning and was late for my classes.
4) The film was a (finance) success.
5) It is impossible to (pleasure) everybody.
6) We can’t go together anywhere as my holiday doesn’t (coincidence) with yours.
7) White is the colour of (lone), so never wear it.
8) His (injure) were not as serious as the previous one.
9) I’m unable to (different) between these perfumes, they all smell the same.
10) Don’t (drama)! Nothing really happened.

nodiraxon1998 nodiraxon1998    1   03.11.2020 10:57    13

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