Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант. 1 Catherine loves cats/the cats.
2 Look at cats/the cats! They are chasing a bird.
3 I don't like coffee/the coffee, but I like tea/the tea.
4 You cut the cake/cake and I'll pour coffee/the coffee.
5 Life/The life will be very different in the future.
6 Life/The life of a mayfly is extremely short.
Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант.
1 A: I have a Physics exam tomorrow. B: Oh dear. Physics is/are a very difficult subject.
2 A:My office is three miles from my house. B:Three miles is/are a long way to walk to work.
3 A: My little brother has got measles. B: Oh dear. Measles is/are quite a serious illness.
4 A: Jane looked nice today, didn't she? B: Yes. Her clothes were/was very smart.
5 A: I've got two pounds. I'm going to buy a CD. B: Two pounds is/are not enough to buy a CD.
6 A: The classroom was empty when I walked past.
B: Yes. The class was/were all on a school outing.

piece0fcake piece0fcake    3   04.02.2021 16:14    12

Братюня11 Братюня11  04.02.2021 16:20

1. cats

2. the cats

3. coffee, tea

4. the cake, coffee

5. life

6. the life

Задание 3

1. is

2. is

3. are

4. were

5. is

6. were

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