Задание 2: Составьте предложения с конструкцией going to в значении "собираться что-то сделать", используя слова:
Пример: She/ rent a boat/ go fishing - She is going to rent a boat to go fishing.
1. I / buy stamps/ post my letter.
2. We / visit the cafe/ taste local food.
3. My dad/ rent a car/ drive to a countryside.

Taugan2015 Taugan2015    1   23.04.2020 15:23    1

Ychi1ka Ychi1ka  13.10.2020 18:48

1) I am going to buy stamps to post my letter.

2) We are going to visit the cafe to taste local food.

3) My dad is going to rent a car to drive to a countryside.

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