Задание 1

Во Укажите соответствие для всех 6 вариантов ответа:

1) could she?

2) isn't it?

3) were you?

4) has he?

5) did she?

6) shall we?

__ Your aunt couldn't drive last year,

__ She didn't call you last night,

__ Let's go to the cinema tonight,

__ Her name's Paola,

__ Bob hasn't invited her to his party,

__ You were not listening to me,

Задание 2

Во Выберите несколько из 7 вариантов ответа:

1) Во сколько?

2) Куда?

3) Прав ли я?

4) Да?

5) А зачем?

6) Не так ли?

7) Ты согласен со мной?

Задание 3

Во Задание 4

Во Укажите соответствие для всех 2 вариантов ответа:

1) a falling intonation.

2) a rising intonation.

__ If we know the answer and are just confirming the information we use ...

__ If we don’t know the answer, it is a real question and we use ...

alinasun230503 alinasun230503    3   09.04.2020 17:25    13

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