Задание 1. Раскройте глаголы в скобках по формулам. ПОЛУЧЕННЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ.

1. If you … (go) with your friends, I … (watch) football match on TV.
2. I … (earn) a lot of money if I … (get) this job.
3. If he … (try) harder, he … (win) the game.
4. Kate … (buy) these shoes if they … (fit).
5. If we … (listen) to the radio, we … (hear) the news.
6. If I … (go) on a safari, I … (like) to see a zebra.
7. If you … (stop) smoking, you … (feel) better.
8. We … (buy) a new house, if we … (have) more money.
9. What … you (do) if you … (see) a spider?
10. If he … (have) a car, he … (drive) to work.
11. He … (go) sailing if he … (can) swim.
12. If you … (go) to bed earlier, you … (feel) well.
13. If Sally … (look) better, she … (wear) nice clothes.
14. What … you (do) if you … (be) in a desert?
15. They … (get) quicker, if they … (take) a taxi.

113Diana113 113Diana113    1   07.05.2020 06:02    1

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