Задание 1. Поставьте глаголы в активный или пассивный залог настоящего времени инфинитива

1. There are many tasks ( to do).
2. ( to have a rest) here is a real pleasure.
3. Everyone hates (to tell) lies by his friends.
4. The most important thing ( to do) was to run away.
5. She likes ( to receive) letters.
6. The man ( to appear) in the play is a good musician.
7. There are a lot of flowers ( to plant) here.
8. He did not like the idea ( to take) to hospital.
9. The book (to write) in 5 languages is very valuable.
10. I like ( to read) books.
11. I like ( to read) books by my mother.
12. We had ( to cross) the river.
13. The book is sure (to publish) this year.
14. He will be nervous ( to tell) the news about his mother

belovomp belovomp    3   25.03.2020 01:10    2

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