Задание 1 Переведите текст на русский язык (в рецепте НЕТ СЛОВА «КАМЕНЬ»).

Fruit salad


2 kiwi

1 mango

150g pineapple

100g grapes

400g mixed berries , we used strawberries, raspberries and blackberries

1 large orange

2 tsp honey (optional)



Prepare the fruit with a small serrated knife. Cut the top and bottom off the kiwi, stand it up on one of its flat surfaces and cut away the skin, keeping the knife as close to the skin as possible. Slice in half, following the core through the centre, then cut each half into slices. Put in a bowl and repeat with the other kiwi.


Carefully cut the skin off the mango and slice off each cheek, running your knife as close to the stone as you can. Cut each piece into slices. Remove any remaining fruit from the stone in long thin slices. Add the mango to the kiwi.


Top and tail the pineapple, then in a similar way to the kiwi, cut away the skin. Take of a circular slice, roughly 150g, quarter, remove the core then cut into chunks. Add to the bowl.


Halve the grapes and add to the rest of the fruit along with the berries, you may want to slice or halve strawberries if they’re large. Remove the peel from the orange using the same method as the kiwi and pineapple. Holding the orange over the bowl of fruit, remove the orange segments by carefully cutting between the membrane and the fruit. The pieces should fall out into the bowl along with any juice. Squeeze the membrane over the fruit to extract the juice, add a drizzle of honey, if you like. Mix everything together and leave in the fridge for 30 mins, if you have time.

sonikzets sonikzets    2   22.05.2021 07:55    0

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