Задание 1. Напишите вопросы к следующим ответам: Пример: My name is Mario.  What is your name?

I went to the cinema with Stephanie. Who ?

I would like the small one? Which ?

There are sixty students in the room. How many ?

 Because I was hungry. Why all the biscuits?

You can find this type of architecture in Russia. Where ?

I like going to the cinema on Saturdays.  When ?

I came to work by train yesterday. How ?

I will finish the job next week. When ?

Задание 2. Напишите отрицательную форму следующих предложений и переведите их:
Пример: Melanie works in an office. Melanie doesn’t work in an office.

Wayne plays hockey.

I like classical music.

We go shopping on Saturdays.

She has an expensive guitar.

They go to gym in the evening.

Anton and Sonia read computer magazines

Задание 3. Выберите правильное слово, написанное курсивом
Пример: Terry has been a university student since 2002/four years
1.     We have been married for seven months/last September.
2.      I haven’t seen a decent film for last year/ages. 
3.     Linda has worked as a civil engineer since she graduated/eleven years.
4.     They have been here since two hours/100 a.m.
5.     Jim has supported West Ham United for when he was born/his entire life.
6.     Sheena has collected classical music for about six months/about May.
Задание 4. Выберите правильное выражение, написанное курсивом и переведите предложения:
Пример: Terry has been a university student since 2002/four years
1.     We have been married for seven months/last September.
2.     I haven’t seen a decent film for last year/ages. 
3.     Linda has worked as a civil engineer since she graduated/eleven years.
4.     They have been here since two hours/10.00 a.m.
5.     Jim has supported West Ham United for when he was born/his entire life.
6.     Sheena has collected classical music for about six months/about May.
Задание 5. Дополните предложения правильным предлогом и переведите их:
Пример: When I was cleaning out my garage, I came across some interesting old books.

 When Tom’s parents are not home, his grandmother looks him.

I was brought on a farm, so I really love the countryside.

I picked a little German on holiday last summer.

We really look up our maths teacher because she is very clever.

They should to look their old parents.

All the sportsmen must strictly follow all the rules.

Задание 6. Определите функцию герундия в каждом из предложений и переведите их:
1       Walking is very useful.
2       His most favorite occupation is coaching.
3.  He likes watching football matches very much.
4.  They like doing many sports.
5. She is fond of riding her bike very much.
6. He loves going for a walk with his friends every week-end.
Задание 7. Определите часть речи выделенного слова в каждом предложении и переведите эти предложения:
1.     In this picture you can see a young man giving flowers to a young girl.
2.     Running water is always better than standing water.
3.     John likes studying history.
4.     Everybody run to meet people returning from the city.
5.     Never jump off a moving train.
6.     Before going to meet his friend he went home to change his clothes.
7.     The cakes remaining after their party were given to children.
8.     Reading books outdoors is his favorite way of spending his summer holidays, but he likes
going on excursions as well.

ForeverDiman ForeverDiman    3   16.06.2021 14:58    0

VladimerGen VladimerGen  16.07.2021 15:00

Задание 1.

I went to the cinema with Stephanie. Who did you go to cinema with?

I would like the small one? Which one would you like?

There are sixty students in the room. How many students are there?

Because I was hungry. Why did you eat all the biscuits?

You can find this type of architecture in Russia. Where can i find this type of architecture?

I like going to the cinema on Saturdays.  When do you like going to the cinema?

I came to work by train yesterday. How did you come to work yesterday?

I will finish the job next week. When will you finish the job?

Задание 2.

Wayne plays hockey. Wayne doesn't play hockey. - Уэйн не/играет в хоккей

I like classical music. I don't like classical music. - я не/люблю классическую музыку

We go shopping on Saturdays. We don't go shopping on Saturdays. - мы не/ходим по магазинам по субботам

She has an expensive guitar. She doesn't have an expensive guitar. - у неё есть дорогая гитара / у неё нет дорогой гитары

They go to gym in the evening. They don't go to gym in the evening. - она не/ходит в спортивный зал по вечерам

Anton and Sonia read computer magazines. Anton and Sonia don't read computer magazines. - Антон и Соня не/читают журналы про компьютеры

Задание 3.

1.     We have been married for seven months.

2.      I haven’t seen a decent film for ages. 

3.     Linda has worked as a civil engineer since she graduated.

4.     They have been here since 10 a.m.

5.     Jim has supported West Ham United for his entire life.

6.     Sheena has collected classical music for about six months.


Задание 4. Выберите правильное выражение, написанное курсивом и переведите предложения:

Пример: Terry has been a university student since 2002/four years

1.     We have been married for seven months. - мы женаты уже семь месяцев

2.      I haven’t seen a decent film for ages. - я уже очень долго не видела хорошего фильма

3.     Linda has worked as a civil engineer since she graduated. - Линда работает инженеркой-строительницей (civil — это гражданский, так что наверное просто строительницей... хз...)

4.     They have been here since 10 a.m. - они здесь с десяти утра

5.     Jim has supported West Ham United for his entire life. - Джим болеет за Уэст Хэм Юнайтед всю свою жизнь

6.     Sheena has collected classical music for about six months. - Шина коллекционирует классическую музыку уже шесть месяцев

Задание 5.

When Tom’s parents are not home, his grandmother looks after him. - когда родители Тома не дома, его бабушка приглядывает за ним

I was brought up on a farm, so I really love the countryside. - я вырос на ферме, поэтому я очень люблю сельскую местность

I picked up a little German on holiday last summer. - я немного поучил немецкий язык на каникулах летом

We really look up to our maths teacher because she is very clever. - мы очень уважаем нашу учительницу математики потому, что она очень умная

They should to look to their old parents. - они должны заботиться о своих пожилых родителях

All the sportsmen must strictly follow through all the rules. - все спортсмены должны неотступно следовать всем правилам

Задание 6.

1       Walking is very useful. - подлежащее - ходьба очень полезна

2       His most favorite occupation is coaching. - подлежащее - тренировать - её любимое занятие

3.  He likes watching football matches very much. - сказуемое - он очень любит смотреть футбольные матчи

4.  They like doing many sports. - сказуемое - они любят заниматься разными видами спорта

5. She is fond of riding her bike very much. - дополнение - она обожает кататься на своём байке

6. He loves going for a walk with his friends every week-end. - дополнение - он любит гулять с друзьями каждые выходные на



в седьмом задании потерялись выделенные слова :(

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