Задание №1. Напишите во используя данные слова.

1) James, from, where, is?

2) your,what, are, colour, birds?

3) how, you, old, are?

4) you, are, where, from?

5)time, is, what, it?

Задание №2. Поставьте глаголы , данные в скобках , в нужную форму. Предложения не списывайте,напишите только глагол.

1) Jack ( like) strong tea. 2) Rob and Meg ( like) cold ice- cream. 3) My dad ( run) in the morning. 4)The little dog ( be) funny. 5) The mice ( be) in the cage. 6) My granny and my mum ( cook) in the afternoon. 7) Mr Green ( go) shopping every day. 8) Tom( have) two pets. 9) His pets ( be) a cat and a dog. 10) ( be) you a pupil? 11) I ( be) in my room now. 12) The boys(be) at the lake.

Аскарбинка25 Аскарбинка25    1   20.05.2020 16:31    3

Алина11117784884848 Алина11117784884848  14.09.2020 17:18

where is from Jems?

what are colors your birds?

how old are you ?

where are you from?

what is it time?

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