за выполнение задания! Complete the sentences with a word formed from the word in capitals.

1. Psychologists believe some memories exist in our minds and we don't even realise we have them. CONSCIOUS
2. While computers can human brains when processing large amounts of data, the human mind is more complex. PERFORM
3. After an injury, the brain tries to connections between neurones. BUILD
4. A can help you decide which foods are most beneficial for you. DIET
5. There is evidence that cinnamon can help to your brain. TOXIFY
6. The question of how much our brains are capable of is still ANSWERED ​

isaevaa24 isaevaa24    2   28.11.2020 20:38    26

skillsass skillsass  28.12.2020 20:38

1. consciously

2. perfoms

3. build

4. dietitian

5. untoxify

6. answered


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