За 40 ! numerals: 35. open your books at page 12 a. twelf b. twelve c. twelfth. 36. ½ = a. half b. one second c. first . 37. ¾ = a. three-forth b. three-quarters c. three-four. 38. december 31, 2013 = a. the thirty one of december twenty thirteen b. the thirty first of december twenty thirteen c. the thirty ferst of december twenty thirty 39. 2.1 %= a. two stop one b. two point one c. two point first

sascha4847 sascha4847    1   24.09.2019 04:01    1

Azizo44kka Azizo44kka  08.10.2020 14:03
35. b
36. a
37. b
38. b
39. c
Эмиль08072013 Эмиль08072013  08.10.2020 14:03
35) c
36) a
37) b
38) b
39) b
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