З0 небольшое сочинение на языке на тему: моё животное черепаха.

Uspex11111 Uspex11111    3   01.07.2019 06:50    0

udinaaa udinaaa  24.07.2020 16:56
Hi! My favorite pet - a turtle. Turtles - very cute creatures. They are kind and funny. They have a large shell, and they slowly go over what's fun to watch. I love my turtle. She's sweet. I love to feed her, and watch her eat.

Eating turtle leaves, grass. But most importantly, what would have been my pet, I love him very much. Turtles - unusual animals. This is not a cat, not a dog. This charming creature with big shell on the back.

My pet - a turtle, and I am very glad that I've got it!
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