You have received a letter from your english-speaking pen friend, andrew. …we have lots of optional courses at school, like a sculpture class or a drama class and others. i wish i had more time for this kind of activity! but i spend so much time on my main subjects that i have no time for anything
else… …what school subject do you find the most difficult, why? how much time do you need to do your homework? how do you spend your free time? … write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. write 100–120 words.

Molderjkee Molderjkee    1   07.10.2019 16:30    33

avangardstroic avangardstroic  07.10.2019 16:30

dear andrew,

i think the most difficult subject for me is physical education, because most of the time i cannot complete an exercise with the ball, but my grades are still good. i spend 1-2 hours completing my homework, but sometimes even less. i have lots of free time left, so most
of the time i draw, help my brothers with their homework, help my parents or i answer questions on znanya!

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