Yesterday morning John got up and had a shower. He put on his blue trousers and his red
shirt. After that...he went downstairs and said, "Good morning to his mum and dad. In the
kitchen he ate some fruit and drank some milk. Then he went back upstairs and cleaned his tee
He put his school books into his schoolbag and walked to the bus stop. Then John waited for th
bus to come. When he got to school, he didn't see any children in the playground. Oh, no! sa
John. "It's Saturday! I don't go to school on Saturdays!
Клюбым 5 предложениям написать отрицание, задать 2 во и дать короткий
Today morning John didn't have a shower.
Did John have a shower yesterday morning? Yes, he did.
When did John have a shower?
- Yesterday: morning.​

Оля142768 Оля142768    1   10.04.2020 16:54    0

zagertdinovIlfat zagertdinovIlfat  23.08.2020 20:08

1-Did he wear a blue shirt?

- No he didn't

2 -Did John go to the bus station?

- Yes, he did


1 He did not go downstairs.

2 He did not put on his blue triusers and his red shirt

3 He didn't eat some fruit.

4 He did not go upstais and clean his teeth

5 He did not say ''Good morning'' to his mum and dad.

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