Язык составте 6 предложение с обором there was ,there is. ♡♥♡♥♡♥

DairLayra DairLayra    1   09.07.2019 12:00    1

FriskDreemurr1 FriskDreemurr1  02.10.2020 23:22
There is a sofa in my room
there is a mirror in the hall
there is a nice picture on the wall
there was a party in his house
there was a cat under the sofa
there was a cake on the table
DanilPRO20172007 DanilPRO20172007  02.10.2020 23:22
Ther are ten pears in the bag.  десять груш в сумке
There aren’t pupils in the classroom. в классе нет учеников
 There  is an egg on the plate      яйцо на тарелке
 There is a white cat on the chair. белый кот на стуле
 There isn’t a turtle on this farm. на этой ферме нет черепахи
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