Язык · 5+3 б · написать ответы на вопросы. what is the best place to live in russia? what can you do the? what are houses like? what are the people like? начинатся должны так 1the 2 there are museum, shopping 3 you 4in my

vkuke vkuke    1   25.08.2019 22:00    0

вика6010 вика6010  05.10.2020 19:41
1 The best place to live in Russia is a big city. Maybe Moskow or Saint Petersburg.
2. There are musem, sopping centre, a lot of cafe, parks and others 
3. You can have a picnic, ride a bike in the park, go to a shopping centre or go for a walk with your friends
4. In my the best city houses are big and high with big windows
5 People are nice and friendly. And help in difficult situation
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