Яумоляю*** мне нужно рассказ о каком-либо заповеднике россии на 6класс.заранее огромное ***

Viktyfox17 Viktyfox17    3   19.03.2019 17:10    0

hik14 hik14  26.05.2020 04:21

Feature Reserve "Wrangel Island": located on the border of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas on the same island, terrain elevation (the highest point of Sovetskaya-1096m), the climate is severe, due to the fact that most of the year under the influence of the Arctic mass.Rasteniya: willow, sphagnum moss, lichen, bloodroot vrangelevskaya.Zhivotnye: musk ox, waders, geese, finches, morzh.Osnovnoy ovtsebykov.Vedetsya security problem is the constant research work, a chronicle of nature.

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