я вас молю фиг знаю как это сделать вы бог по ​

apabud apabud    3   25.08.2019 16:28    0

lenyanikiforovp07x7k lenyanikiforovp07x7k  05.10.2020 19:09


1. She said (that) he worked in a bank.

2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before).

3. She said (that) she was coming.

4. She told me (that) she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.

5. She said (that) she had never been there before.

6. She told me (that) she didn't go (hadn't gone) to the party.

7. She said (that) Lucy would come later.

8. She told me (that) he hadn't eaten breakfast.

9. She said (that) she could help me tomorrow.

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