я в английском вообще не бум бум. От только
Progress Check 7
1. Read the text at p. 106, SB and explain the title – “Generation M”.
What does “M” mean? Do you agree that you belong to generation
M? Read the sentences and mark them T (true), F (false), NS (not
- Lisa is doing her homework only while her eyes are fixed on the computer screen.
- She is doing five different things simultaneously.
- Her parents disapprove multi-tasking while studying.
- Multi-tasking influences negatively in four ways.
- Russell Poldrack describes the negative effect of multi-tasking.
- The article is withdrawn from the journal of University of California.

2. Translate the sentences. Work in pairs: ask your partner to
translate the sentences either from Russian into English or from
English into Russian.
What’s the best way to..?
I’d like your advice about how to…
What do you suggest I do about…?
Have you thought of…?
That’s easier said than done.
If I were you, I would…

3. Answer the questions to the text at p. 110, SB.
- Why is The Italia Conti Academy the first step on the ladder to
success as an actor, dancer or singer?
- What kind of school is it? What does it mean?
- What do students learn in addition to basic subjects?
- What kind of classes in the performing art can they attend?
- When can students start performing professionally and start

4. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb (must, may, can,
need, to have to).
- Sandra not come to me tomorrow – I’ve done the job.
- There is no need to rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good.
You only rewrite the third passage.
- It’s so late, we be going!
- Students pay for their education at private school.
- You stay at home today.

5. Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets with a suitable
modal verb.
- The instructions were in Italian. I translated them into Russian for
2 из 2
him. – You (not translate) them. He knows Italian.
- I’ve never seen a London cab. – You (see) one! You’ve been in
London a week already!
- Look at this beautiful painting! Only a very great artist (paint) such
a picture!
- Nonsense! A child of five (paint) it with his eyes shut.
- You (prepare) for the exam more thoroughly to pass it.

6. Paraphrase the following sentences or explain their meaning.

- I could feel it in my bones that something was going to happen. –
- I know it is just one of those things, but still… –
- When mom was telling me off I wanted to curl up and die. –
- Mike’s dad wasn’t born yesterday. –

polina1329 polina1329    1   14.05.2020 14:17    8

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