Я очень Нужно поставить глаголы в правльное время.The Games (1) (to take place) between the 23 and 26 June with 2,000 children who (2) ... (to compete) in 18 sports over three days. Metro Radio (3) ... (to be) there too to interview the win- ners. Jennifer (4) ... (to be going to) a sport leader during the Games. "I (5) ... (to set) things up. If I (6) ... (to be selected) to greet all the athletes and spectators at the open- ing ceremony, I (7) ... (to be) very proud." Paul (8) .. (to take part) in the badmin- ton competition. "I've been competing in the Championship, the highest level for badminte three years!"

екатерина698 екатерина698    2   08.04.2020 18:25    2

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