Xiii. заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. 1. he likes german very much, and … knowledge of it is good . 2. we have got a nice cottage in the country. … cottage is very big and comfortable.. 3. she always takes … mobile phone with her. 4. i am a journalist, but don’t like … job. 5. they have got a son and a daughter … children are twins. 6. the house is very old. … walls are very shabby.

vikakulba vikakulba    2   04.10.2019 22:30    2

NikitaZlatoystov NikitaZlatoystov  09.10.2020 20:37
1 his
2 our
3 her
4 my
5 their
6 Its
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