Xi. fill in the blanks with can, may, must, have to, needn’t according to the sense: 1. you … not smoke here. 2. … you see anything? – nothing at all. 3. … we go on foot? – no, we … . we … catch a bus. 4. … i have a cup of tea, please? 5. … you go so early? it’s only nine o’clock. 6. you … be careful. 7. i like the house, but i … not decide yet. my wife … see it first. 8. last summer it was very dry and i … water the garden every day. 9. … i do it now? – no, you … . i’ll do it myself tomorrow. 10. let’s go into the living – room. we … have our coffee there. 11. … you come at 2 p.m.? – no, that’s very late. 12. she … read and write now. 13. … i come in? xii. fill in the blanks with a suitable modal verb: 1. who … answer my question? 2. … you tell me the way to the station? 3. he … this task at once. 4. … i attend this meeting? – no, you needn’t. 5. she … be more attentive to her parents. 6. you … have shown your notes to the teacher. 7. i asked him, but he … listen to me. 8. they … have visited her, she was in the hospital. 9. nobody … translate this text. 10. you … come so early. 11. your friend … have informed us. 12. last summer we … often go to the country. 13. your son … do this work himself. 14. … i leave for a while? – yes, you … .

ponomarevdenisow2kh1 ponomarevdenisow2kh1    2   05.10.2019 15:10    7

zlatakadochnik zlatakadochnik  17.08.2020 08:58


1. must;

2. Can;

3. May / needn't / can;

4. May;

5. Do you have to go so early? It's only 9 o'clock. ;

6. have to;

7. can / has to;

8. had to;

9. Should / needn't;

10. may;

11. Can;

12. can;

13. May

XII. Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal verb:  

1. Who can answer my question?  

2. Can you tell me the way to the station?  

3. He has to do this task at once.  

4. Should I attend this meeting? – No, you needn’t.  

5. She has to be more attentive to her parents.  

6. You must have shown your notes to the teacher.  

7. I asked him, but he couldn't listen to me.  

8. They could have visited her, she was in the hospital.  

9. Nobody can translate this text.  

10. You needn't come so early.  

11. Your friend could have informed us.  

12. Last summer we could often go to the country.  

13. Your son has to do this work himself.  

14. May I leave for a while? – Yes, you may .

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