WRITING. Write an essay about the pros and cons of travelling by bus\train ship etc... Total [8] ПЛАН-ОТВЕТ
Para 1. Introduction (Вступление) (Why people travel (Почему для чего люди путешествуют/purpose of
travelling\цель путешествия). Рассказать о видах транспорта\какие виды транспорта существуют.
Para 2. Advantages lexamples. (There are certain advantages to travelling by buscar train\planel etc. Firstly,... Also, ...)
(by ship: comfortable/luxurious/great view/expensive/seasick, etc.; by air. fast/comfortable; by train: popular/not
cheap; by coach: travel across several countries/can be not comfortable/people may get sick/not much time for the sights).
Para 3. Disadvantages examples
(On the other hand, there certain drawbacks to travelling by bus. First of all, ... Secondly, ...)
Para 4. Conclusion. (Заключение) Рассказать о своём любимом виде транспорта для путешествий (My favourite way
of travelling is...; it is one of the most comfortable means of travelling; I think so because..., etc.).

WRITING. Write an essay about the pros and cons of travelling by bus\train ship etc... Total [8] ПЛА

STAS228917654321 STAS228917654321    1   17.05.2021 04:33    4

Malika274 Malika274  16.06.2021 06:56

Read the statements 1-4. Which are pros/cons of travelling

by bus? In groups, think of justifications/examples.

1 It is a cheap way to travel. 4 It's an environmentally friendly

2 They can be tiring.

means of transport.

3 They can be crowded.


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