Writing, Tople 2. Heroes of our days. Look at the pieture and give some Information about heroes of our days. I Do you consider a doctor is a
superhero? Why? What makes a person a hero? What does it take to
be a real hero? Are today's real life heroes recognized? Why?​

qsn50857 qsn50857    1   29.10.2020 16:45    3

дома9 дома9  29.10.2020 16:50

Every crisis has its heroes, every disaster its displays of selflessness and sacrifice. Firefighters race into burning buildings. Police officers place themselves in the line of fire. Soldiers march into war.

And now, amid the coronavirus pandemic, our health-care workers, doctors, nurses, EMTs and support staff who risk becoming infected themselves — who risk infecting their own families — are making extraordinary sacrifices to care for the rest of us. They do so, most infuriatingly, even as they have been put at greater risk than necessary by the avoidable shortages of masks, face shields and other personal protective equipment.

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