WRITING Task 3. Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email to your English friend telling him/her about it (100-160 words). Follow the plan./ Представьте, что вы на каникулах. Напишите электронное письмо своему английскому другу, рассказав ему/ей об этом (100–160 слов). Следуйте плану. /
Para 1: opening remarks , where you went, who with
Para 2: accommodation, weather, what you are doing now
Para 3: sights you saw, means of transport you used to get around
Para 4: recommend a trip there, closing remarks

WRITING Task 3. Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email to your English friend telling him/her ab

xerobiriv xerobiriv    1   09.03.2021 15:05    3

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