Writing task 2. read the letter below, which saule wrote to a magazine problem page. what advice would you give her? please help me. i'm desperate and i need help. i've just started high school and even though my work's not bad, some senior girls are making my life a misery. i am only 14 years old and these girls are over 16. they pick on me every break time, and basically do everything to make me cry. they take my money off me, and if i haven't got any they all take it in turns to slap me. i've tried to play truancy so that i don't meet them, but i can t stay off school forever, as my parents will find out. please help me, i've got no-one to turn to use the outline below. greeting • use the person's first name. opening paragraph • refer to the problem and say why you are writing. main part (1-2 paragraphs) . give your advice and make suggestions. closing paragraph • make a final comment. signing off • use a signature ending and your first name below that.

лом15 лом15    1   13.12.2019 18:43    47

ainura12a ainura12a  11.08.2020 21:16

Bullying is a problem, the scale of which is poorly understood by society. However, it is much more widespread than it seems at first glance. And it's not the best way to show yourself in a cool position in front of your friends feel Sorry for these people who are being abused. I would advise this girl not to give up and go forward despite all her troubles. And in the best case turn to teacher!


Травля — проблема, масштаб которой обществом слабо осознается. Однако распространена она гораздо шире, чем кажется на первый взгляд. И это не лучший показать себя в крутой позиции перед друзьями .                                                                                                                  Жалко таких людей над которыми издеваются. Я бы посоветовал этой девочке не сдаваться и идти вперёд несмотря на все свои беды. А в лучшем случае обратиться к учителю!

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