Writing. 2. Write the missing word in the sentence.
1. We go to school by
2. He flies to London by
3. They can go to Astana by
4.1 like riding a
Cangouridor biker
Answer the questions.
1. Can you ride a bike?
2. Do you go to school by bus?
3. What kinds of transports do you know?​

help274 help274    2   18.05.2021 08:24    0

Кари15142 Кари15142  18.05.2021 08:30

1. We go to school by bus.

2. He flies to London by plane.

3. They can go to Astana by train.

4.I like riding a bike.

Answer the questions.

1. Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can

2. Do you go to school by bus? No,I don't

3. What kinds of transports do you know? I know transports such as train,plane,car,bike,motorbike,helicopter,bus,trolley

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