Writing (100-120 words)
Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write.

Topic 1. You received a letter from your friend in which he/she says that he/she is having a problem in communication with his/her older sister. Write a reply giving your friend advice on how to make better relations with his/her family member. Use the following plan:

1. write a salutation to your friend
2 express your sympathy, offer help
3. give your advice

Topic 2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your country/city and describe how you would spend one day. Use the following plan:

1.write a salutation to your friend
2.offer your friend to come
3. describe a day

Topic 3.
1. What’s the best thing about spending time with your family?
2. What’s the worst thing?
3. Do you think parents should be strict with their children?
4. Should parents be leaders or friends? Explain why.

Topic 4.
1. Can you tell us something you are into doing by yourself?
2. Can you tell us something you do not like doing by yourself?
3. What do you mainly use social networking for?
4. What the advantages and disadvantages of social networking?

SirenaLi27 SirenaLi27    2   28.10.2020 07:17    31

Gollagan Gollagan  27.11.2020 07:18

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voronvoron2002 voronvoron2002  27.11.2020 07:18