Write wh-question to each of the following sentences. 1.at first the internet was mainly used by scientists. 2.you dont need a cd to send email. 3.they"ve already got a website. 4.that isn"t a computer virus. 5.bob likes sending emails to his friends. 6.i can pay for mt ticket through the net. 7.surfing the net for information is so exciting. 8.she won"t download all those documents.

ученик445643 ученик445643    3   18.05.2019 16:50    5

limon023 limon023  11.06.2020 22:48
1. Why was the Internet at first mainly used by scientists?
2. Why don't you need a CD to send email?
3. What have they already got?
4. Why isn't that a computer virus?
5. What does Bob like?
6. What type of ticket cab I can pay for through the net?
7. What is exciting?
8. Why won't she download all those documents?
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