Write this story. Put the right form of the verb which is beside each empty space in that space. One Sunday a priest told the people in the church that he ... (speak) about liars the next week, and that they … (read) the seventeenth chapter of St. Mark before then, so as to … (be) ready for the next week.

The following Sunday he ... (begin) by ... (look) arоund the реople in the church and usking which of them ... (read) the seventeenth chaрter of St. Mark.

Quite lot of uhe people ... (hold) up their hands, and the priest then ... (say), "You are juat the рeople my talk ... (intend) for. St. Mark only ...(have) sixteen chapters"

Write this story. Put the right form of the verb which is beside each empty space in that space. One

Regina2203021 Regina2203021    2   22.01.2022 13:36    4

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