Write the right form of the verb ”to be”: 1. My cat black and white.
2. He inside the house.
3. Mum and Dad away.
4. Grandma here.
5. Grass green.

II. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the example:

1. I ..live.. (live) in Edinburgh.
2. He ………. (do) his homework every evening.
3. She’s a teacher. She ……….. (work) at primary school.
4. “Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I ………….. (fly) aeroplanes.
5. Joan …………. (wash) her hair every day.

Fill in the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives
1. pretty
2. tall
3. clever
4. long
5. difficult
6. good
7. expensive
1. Mona is girl in our class.
2. Paul is than Nick.
3. I think Andrew is boy in my class.
4. This street is in our city.
5. That task was in the test yesterday.
6. Sam draws pictures of the animals.
7. These books are than those books.

Andriy0101 Andriy0101    2   21.12.2020 12:02    22

zaev1990 zaev1990  20.01.2021 12:03

1. is 2. is 3. are 4. is 5. is

1. live 2. does 3. works 4. fly 5. washes

1. the prettiest 2. taller 3. the most clever 4. the longest 5. the most difficult 6. the best 7. more exspensive


Если есть третяя форма (he she it) то нужно писать is. а другие просто стоит запомнить. Также в третей форме диєслов в Present Simple добавляется es или y пропадает и появляется ies. А the most нужно на слух ориентрироватся, что лучше звучит - the most ... или er.

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